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Picture of Martin
some personal details:
Name Martin Horst SCHÖNWITZ

"Schoenwitz" instead of "Schönwitz" at some places and addresses  is only used for technical reasons as some computers do not support o-Umlaut

Date of birth February 19th, 1960
Place of birth Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Job description Computer Science Consultant
Hobbies Dancing, Badminton, Genealogical Research, traveling, classical music

Name Martin Schoenwitz jun.
Street Neusser Gasse 43
ZIP-code 50259
Town Pulheim-Stommeln
Country NRW (North-Rhine Westphalia)
State Germany

"communication lines":
Telephone [0049] (0)2238 925361
Telefax [0049] (0)2238 925304
Mobil-Phone [0049] (0)170 5808015
E-Mail m ar t i n.  sch o en w i t z (a t) g mx. de

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